7 December 2009

Mood du jour: Fed up

There are days like that. We are fed up. May it be called the blues or getting up on the wrong side of the bed… in the end, it doesn’t matter. We are just tired and have had enough.
From the moment that we wake up, nothing is right. To begin; we didn’t hear the alarm clock so we get up late. We feel rushed so we go onto ‘speed’ mode; we hurry ourselves to get dressed; we hastily do our hair: we try to grab a quick bite to eat (although some mornings we don’t even have the time); we quickly brush our teeth; grab our stuff and swiftly head for the door to find ourselves sure of having forgotten something but unsure what. Then we run to catch the bus and there, due to the morning madness, we hesitate in our memory as to whether we did actually lock the door or not. And all this – even before stepping into work, where we have a niggling feeling that things are not going to be better.
This is not intended to be a rant, but surely most us have experienced such mornings… it seems that in this modern 21st century society, it is somewhat inevitable that we experience this at one point or another.
However… in the course of the day… there may be a moment amongst the clouded chaos, solitude and fatigue, where a glimmer of sunlight appears (literally or metaphorically) that lifts our spirits and temporarily transports us to another dimension; a more peaceful and pleasant dimension away from the stress and worries. We allow ourselves a few seconds to indulge in this other universe... to think that tomorrow is another day, and perhaps a better day…

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