1 February 2009

Word du jour: Bonjour.

I never thought it would take this long to write a first blog. As I sit in front of the computer, searching for the finest, most engaging and interesting First Sentence - I oddly begin to feel like I am getting ready for a job interview, or a first date. It is all about making that first impression. The one that will engage people; draw them towards you; make them want to know more. Except in this scenario, there are no concerns about appearance and body language, rather an apprehension regarding the choice of words and thoughts presented. That first impression becomes about demonstrating that you can make some valid and interesting contributions to an already hectic social platform increasingly polluted with misinformation and babble. It is about creating a platform to ignite interest, discussion, questions, why not critical-thinking and contributions as well… A way of encouraging the act of thinking... (in both myself and others).

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